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Nepean Business Park, Penrith


T Projects have recently been appointed as the project curators for the Nepean Business Park development in Penrith, Sydney.


The 47ha project is located 2km from Penrith CBD, encompassing both employment and the environment – providing much-needed local jobs and at the same time protecting and enhancing the environment.

The site adjoins the Nepean River and will provide an extension to the Great River Walk, and opens up a critical connection into the Sydney International Rowing Centre and the Penrith Lakes Parklands.


The initial phase of the project will be to compact and stabilise the site, which will be followed by subdivision and building works. In working with the site constraints, there will be a focus on providing landscaped pedestrian and cycleways as a feature of the estate.


In addition, a connecting link to the Great River Walk will create a central 'hub' to the project with the opportunity for cafés and other local services.


Images courtesy of Precinct Capital


Artist - TBC Project under development

Client - Precinct Capital

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